Twenty years ago, Ginny Wilson-Peters started Integrity Integrated with a vision of fulfilling a life purpose of nurturing and inspiring others to reach for the stars. Her journey, however, began long before that during her childhood in Colo, Iowa. Along the way, she has been helped by family, friends, mentors, colleagues, and assistants. And the journey continues as she evolves personally and professionally.
Ginny’s story in An Integrated Life of Leadership: 20 Years of Nurturing & Inspiring Others to Reach for the Stars is enhanced by those she’s touched along the way, many of which are included to aid your learning, motivation, and inspiration to become the leader you were meant to be and fulfill the purpose you were meant to live.
“This book will be a world changer. Ginny deciding to write this book is a mammoth opportunity for those not fortunate enough to be geographically close to her, to experience some of her life-altering talents.” ~ Randy Moore
“When I think of leadership, words like respect, honesty, confidence, commitment, integrity, and trust come to mind. These words now define me and live in all aspects of my life.” ~ LuAnn Haydon
“The only thing that can stand in our way is confidence—confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Too often, we don’t believe enough in ourselves to take the next step. We tell ourselves we’re not worthy enough, not smart enough, not ‘enough.’” ~ Beth Grabin

Ginny Wilson-Peters is the owner of Integrity Integrated, which for twenty years has created authentic leaders, built dynamic leadership teams, and connected leaders around the world. When her team, Shari Baker and Amy Kolner, approached me to help them produce a book to celebrate their twenty-year anniversary in 2019, I suggested the title would be a good fit for Legacy Book Press.
I interviewed Ginny to get her story and then wrote it in a third-person point-of-view, biography style. Shari and Amy solicited leadership stories from individuals Ginny and Integrity Integrated had impacted through the years, which I edited and arranged in the book with help from Shari and Amy.
Therefore, though this author is listed as Ginny, there were actually dozens of authors working on this title.
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