Cheryl Dellasega is a professor who’s taught hundreds of university students about "Death & Dying," grateful that she had not experienced a significant loss. Then one Tuesday at 6:20 a.m., a horrific accident rendered her suddenly widowed. In the year that followed, there was no solace in the wisdom she shared so freely with her students. As the first anniversary of her husband's death approaches, she thinks about her love of train travel and decides to buy a cross-country trip and get away from all that is familiar. Days before she is scheduled to depart, Cheryl wonders if she is making a mistake by traveling so far away from the comfort of home. Although she gets herself to the train station in plenty of time, it seems as if only minutes have passed before the crowd sweeps onto the train, leaving her alone on the platform. The engine hisses and a last call is shouted by the railroad worker. With a deep breath to summon up courage, Cheryl steps into the waiting car and nods to the conductor, thinking, Let's go before I change my mind. Seconds later, she drops into the nearest available seat and they do, unprepared for the wisdom to come.


Cheryl Dellasega is a nurse practitioner with a Ph.D. in health education and counseling along with a "bucket list" MFA, which she finished in 2015. Her academic work has generated hundreds of scholarly presentations and publications on caregiving and female relationships at international venues along with a visiting professorship in Sweden. Currently, she teaches medical students at the Penn State College of Medicine, is a nurse consultant for research at Penn State Health, and is the founder of Club and Camp Ophelia. As an award-winning author, she has written five books on female relationships (Surviving Ophelia, Girl Wars, The Starving Family, Mean Girls Grow Up, and Forced to be Family), a fiction series for girls (blggrls), and two nursing books (What to do When Nurses Hurt Nurses and Toxic Nursing).


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