Our Approach
At Legacy Book Press LLC, we believe in telling personal stories via the traditional publishing model. We know many potential authors don't have the funds needed to get their stories out in the world. That's why we believe in providing this traditional publishing avenue for authors. We do not ask for any payment for publishing your book upfront or out-of-pocket; we recoup our investment on the back end with royalties and author copy purchases (which are not required). And like all reputable traditional publishers, we are highly selective about what we accept and publish under our name.
Our Story
My passion for helping people say what they wanted to say began in 1989 when my not quite two-year-old cousin passed away when she was hit by a car while my aunt was pushing her in her stroller and I wrote a poem for the funeral that numerous people told me put into words what they were feeling but couldn't articulate.
This passion lay hidden for several years while I graduated from college, got married, and had kids. It was reignited around 2012 while self-reflecting in a leadership class for my MBA degree. At that time, I adopted my alter-ego of Wordsy Woman, helping people with editing and eventually publishing.
In late 2018, I got the idea to start a new press to help people publish their legacy stories, whether non-fiction or fiction. It seemed like a natural fit, so Legacy Book Press LLC was born.
This is Me

Jodie Toohey
Owner & Operator
I am the author of nine books: five novels – Missing Emily: Croatian Life Letters, Melody Madson – May It Please the Court?, Taming the Twisted, Taming the Twisted 2 Reconstructing Rain, and Shattered Pearl; three poetry collections – Crush and Other Love Poems for Girls, The Other Side of Crazy, and Versed in Nature: Hiking Northwest Illinois and East Iowa State Parks; and one non-fiction book - Book Marketing Basics: The 5 Ps. I live in Iowa with my husband and three cats and also enjoy traveling, reading, hiking, and spending time with family.
Ready to Submit...
If you're ready to submit, please read and carefully follow the submissions guidelines. If you have questions, email me at [email protected].